Sunday, January 9, 2011

I am terrible at keeping my blog up to date. haha.

Wow, can't believe it has been over 1 year since I wrote a post on here. Guess keeping a blog up to date is harder than I thought it would be.

A lot has happened since my last post. I spent 10 months in Japan and had an amazing time. I was sad to leave but also happy to see my friends back home. I learned a lot of Japanese and I can say I am conversational now. I hope I don't forget it since I am not using it much back in the states.

I have been back in San Francisco about 5 months now. Wow, I can't believe it. I started to go back to school. I completed a semester at City College of San Francisco and I have been working at the Apple store in downtown SF. I am already restless and wanting to travel again.

I think I will backpack in SE Asia. Maybe I will go back to Japan after that. If things go well then I will be able to do these things and reflect more on my life, love, and where I want to go from here.

I feel that finding my heart and my spirit is more important at this time. I need to heal myself, forgive myself, learn to love all the amazing things that make me who I am. Only this way will I be able to love again.

It's amazing how lost we can get sometimes and we don't even know it. Life can be a fast roaring river and if we don't pay attention we can get swept away. Sometimes this can be good and sometimes it can be bad. As long as our heart is into it then it's good but if we loose our heart then we must work hard to find it again.

I am on this journey now. The journey inward. I would like to combine this inward journey with an outward one and allow the beauty of Asia to guide me on my inward search.

Blessings to all.


Anyar said...

I'm so glad to read your blog. Yeah!!!
Life is so fast and so short. We never know what will happen tomorrow. I told myself yesterday. and I thought I should change myself for myself.
It's time for falling in love with life again... haha ;)

Anonymous said...

Hey Lauren! I love how much you love Asia. I miss SE Asia so very much. It is amazing. Anyway, I really appreciate your words here and completely get "it".

Lara M